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Happy Pride Month!

  • 2 min read

It's the start of Pride Month so at Lucky Iron Fish Enterprise (LIFE) we've added the rainbow flag to our logo. This simple gesture is meant to communicate that we are an inclusive workplace that supports and welcomes everyone, no matter how you identify or who you love. It tells our stakeholders and our customers that we believe in equality and stand against injustice. 

This past year, we have spent a lot of time reflecting on how we can live up to these words. We have reviewed and updated our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion policy to ensure it includes best practises recommended by experts. Examples of the updated policies are reflected in how we have been recruiting talent and in how we seek out new board members. We also appreciate that we have a platform that can be used to elevate underrepresented voices and are no longer shy about speaking up. 

LIFe believes that diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences will make us a stronger and more thoughtful organization. We strive to foster an environment that is open and where everyone is treated with respect. We acknowledge that we may not have all the answers, but we will always be willing to listen and learn to be better allies in the pursuit of an equal and just society.

We know that actions speak louder than rainbows, and we are committed to living up to these goals every day of the year. This June we will celebrate the progress that has been made for a more equal society while acknowledging there is a lot more work to be done. No one is equal until we are all equal. Happy Pride everyone.



Dr. Gavin Armstrong